Ah...I was so glad to see this, as it confirms everything my gut and my reading have been telling me. Food prices are on the rise, as reported in the Sacramento Bee and the Miami Herald and other major metros. The reasons?
Government meddling, expensive gas, and wacky weather. Get used to it--I don't think this trifecta is going away anytime soon. Wheat's going to go up, too...today I bought 55 lbs of flour.
"It's partly because of corn prices, driven up by congressional mandates for ethanol production, which have reduced the amount of corn available for animal feed. It's also because of tougher immigration enforcement and a late spring freeze, which have made farm laborers scarcer and damaged fruit and vegetable crops, respectively. And it's because of higher diesel fuel costs to run tractors and attractive foreign markets that take U.S. production."
Government meddling, expensive gas, and wacky weather. Get used to it--I don't think this trifecta is going away anytime soon. Wheat's going to go up, too...today I bought 55 lbs of flour.