Sunday, October 29, 2006

How do you deal with JW's?

I am sorry to report that after my post on how to treat door-knockers in a gospel manner, I hid from some JW's today. I guess I could cop an excuse--my baby is sick, that's why we're home from Mass today, I was upstairs with my toddler helping him go potty--but really I can't say I wouldn't have hid from them if I had no excuse at all. Why? If Catholicism (however unattractive it is in its contemporary form) is the TRUTH, why should I shrink from sharing it? Are there any legitimate reasons?

1. I am afraid of persecution. Yep, you heard it here--I was just afraid. I probably wouldn't balk at a couple of grassroots fundies going around the neighborhood sharing the "good news," but JW's in particular are notorious for being organized, aggressive, and explicitly anti-Catholic. In the literature they left me it showed a picture of a Catholic priest among their image montage exposing "false religion." And when you read it, you can tell that when they say "false religion," what they really mean is the Catholic Church.

2. I am unprepared. I know, I know, after being on an apologetics diet for 1 1/2 years, you'd think I'd be loaded for bear when these guys show up. I know enough to defend the Church in casual conversation with friends and relatives, but I don't feel ready to go up against professional religious salesmen.

3. I don't feel safe with strange men in my house. I have a right to feel safe in my own house, and if Dean's away, that usually means that I don't invite anybody in unless I know them. Maybe I would have been less intimidated if it was a couple of ladies. But they were older, heavyset men in business suits. Eh.

It is important to spread the Gospel, and these days that's my mantra. It's what Christ told us to do, and when I realized I didn't know the gospel all that well, I started keeping an open Bible by my bed, so that when I get ready to go to bed, the words are already staring me in the face.

That's why I've been exploring modesty and headcovering. It's such a powerful witness, and you don't have to say anything. Even if I had just opened the door, my long skirt and hair up probably would have conveyed some kind of witness. Maybe they would have been nicer to me. But there'e so much going on around here and in my head that I just couldn't take the chance.

So I apologize for being an intimidated, unprepared chicken. I really hope those men go with God and stay on the path to His truth, wherever it leads them.


Amy said...

Well, you should do what I do. I have a sign by my door that reads, in both Spanish and English, that "This is a Catholic Home. No literature of other religons needed." With a big ol Our Lady of Guadelupe on it. She is fading from the sunlight, but it is still visible. Anyway, some came to me door and I asked them if they saw my sign. They smiled and said yes. I told them to read it again and closed the door. Not very Christlike of me, but when you have five kids and you are trying to make dinner, I don't have time. I also firmly believe that by living your faith you are giving example. Be open to people's questions, but do not seek it out. I believe that by forcing your faith on someone you are only turning them off completely. Anyway, it works. My mom and sister converted! :)

caelids said...


You have 5 kids too? Gee whiz, I have got to stop feeling sorry for myself for being "so busy" and tired all the time! LOL!

Kristin said...

I just say, "no thank you, We're Catholic" and give them a warm smile. Sometimes we think we need to fight every injustice and convert the world, we don't, and we can't. If the JW sense a warmth, a gentle peace about us, we have spoken volumes.

Unknown said...

Aww I'm sorry to hear that the jws make u afraid when they call round. We do have a few in our church that can be a little over zealous with the work we do...and even scare us when we work with them lol but we have guidelines on how to do our ministry and this is the last thing we want to do ... I I do keep wondering why they use the Catholic picture alot when we view all religion the same ... going to read more of your posts found this one interesting. I'm just starting on my blog not as good a writer as you but check it out... the jw housewife ....just Google it x