Monday, April 09, 2007

My Preschool Dilemma

Dear friends,

I need your help. I know you are all faithful Catholics, and many of you homeschool. I need to know whether I should send my 3-year old to preschool or if I can get by at home, supplemented with some "social" activities. Briefly I'll list the pros and cons as I see them...however I am not locked into one or another mindset just yet:



1. We have a really good, orthodox Catholic preschool program we can send him to.

2. The program is raved about by all the young moms at our parish whose children attend.

3. Preschool seems to offer children an "edge"--they're ready to sit, to listen, and to behave by the time they go to full-day school.


1. The school is across town--two days a week I'd have to drive an hour and a half with my littlest one and not much turnaround in between.

2. The program, while affordable for us, is not cheap (volunteer time required, and no child care for my littlest one).

3. It seems terribly regimented--uniforms required. I worry that schools (even Catholic ones) are focused more on turning out cookie-cutter citizens who won't disrupt the class, rather than developing each child's talents.



1. Saves time--I can fit activities for him around my drive, no volunteer hours.

2. Good trial run for "real" homeschooling. I mean, if I screw up preschool, I'll know I'm in trouble.

3. Activities are available as "socialization" situations--library and recreation center are close by and inexpensive.


1. My son loves being around other children and seems to need structure.

2. I can't duplicate the outstanding religious formation available at the school.

3. I don't feel that teaching comes naturally to me.

I need to make a decision on this, because the classes are small and they are enrolling now. If I don't jump for it in the next week or so, we could miss the boat. Is it worth it?


BJ said...

Hi! I thought you and your readers might be interested in some post-Easter news about Pope Benedict XVI...
The Pope's car is being auctioned off to raise money for Habitat for Humanity:
The bidding is already more than $200,000! Personally, I think this is a really fun and creative way to raise
money. The auction goes until April 14th if you and your readers want to check it out

BJ said...

Hi! I thought you and your readers might be interested in some post-Easter news about Pope Benedict XVI...
The Pope's car is being auctioned off to raise money for Habitat for Humanity:
The bidding is already more than $200,000! Personally, I think this is a really fun and creative way to raise
money. The auction goes until April 14th if you and your readers want to check it out

Essy said...

1. My son loves being around other children and seems to need structure.

So I'm assuming by this question that your son is an only child...still like you mentioned there are lots of other opportunities to give him this. Set up a schedule and include the library time and some play dates even if you feel you need them. The way that I provide structure for my kids is by having a routine, and they love it.

2. I can't duplicate the outstanding religious formation available at the school.

You might not be able to 'duplicate' it, but I'm sure that you can do even better. What better way for a child to be taught religion then through real life opportunites. There are some wonderful Catholic curriculums out there for little ones if you need some extra help. I love Catholic Heritage Curriculum myself.

3. I don't feel that teaching comes naturally to me.

Really? But you are his mom...just think for a minute and I'm sure that you can up with tons of stuff that he's already learned from you.

I need to make a decision on this, because the classes are small and they are enrolling now. If I don't jump for it in the next week or so, we could miss the boat. Is it worth it?

I would pray over it and see what the Lord is wanting from you. I'll pray for you too.

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I say give it a go after a lot of prayer and advice from your hubs. If it doesn't work out (you have bad feelings about it, he doesn't react well, etc.) just pull him out and continue his education at home (you can find a billion "social" things for him to do that don't have anything to do with school). Really, it's not a big deal when it comes to preschool. Better to find out NOW if the more structured school environment is good for your son or not! Whenever I have doubts about my ability to be the best thing for my kid's education, I just sit and think about what my first responsibility is. To educate them in the ways of our faith and to help them get to Heaven! Everything else just flows from that!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

I have had my older children in preschool, at a wonderful but now-closed school. Very casual, very "get the kids used to the idea of Being At School" with no pressure--just lots of songs, stories, crafts, outdoor play and fun. But that is not available to Little Brother. My only choice for him was a very structured, wear-uniforms, 4 hours a day 5 days a week program. I thought that was too much school for a 4-year-old.

Instead I am sending him to a program at our local public high school. It's 1 1/4 hours a day, 4 days a week--WHEN YOU CAN MAKE IT. No pressure at all. Basically they have storytime, craft time, outdoor play in good weather and indoor play in bad weather. It is a program run by the Child Care classes. Completely free, no commitment from me other than to bring juice boxes or pretzels when they have a class party. The religious part we take care of at home, and by bringing him to church. At the preschool level, I believe that's all the religious instruction they will really need anyway. But this meets his need of being around other kids his age (we're short on those in this neighborhood). See if your local school or Vo-Tech school offers this. Often it's a well-kept secret!

Rachel Ollivant said...

Hey Dawn - Rachel here. =) I've been debating about putting Amy in preschool, too. We'll have to chat about it next time we hang out. =)

Amy said...

There have been many reports out (I wish I had some links to give you) that say that pre-school can actually be detrimental to children!! That it can lead to more behavioral problems later in life.
As a homeschool mom who is going to start preschool with my 3 year old next year I say go for it. Look at Catholic Heritgae Curricula. They have a GREAT program.
Don't stress about the socialization issue. He is still very young and needs you now more than clubs, etc. When he gets older there will be Sunday School, Boy Scouts or Blue Knights, sports, etc. Right now he needs you.
And don't understimate yourself or over-estimate what a school can do. You are an intellegent woman with a strong faith. You are the first teacher of your child and the best. You know your child and what he is capable of. With you as his teacher he will not be forced to move at a pace he is not suited for.
I say Go For It!

Renee said...

Well, as an experienced mom (read "old") I have to say KEEP HIM HOME. Now, that is only because he is so young, still needs you, doesn't need formal education yet, learns best by playing at this age, needs to be around his little siblings, not a peer group, and needs to learn his faith by catching it from you, not being taught in a formal way. Three year olds do not need formal education. They need home and family. You don't need the extra aggrivation of getting him back and forth. Your time with him as a little guy is fleeting and precious. Don't give it away. Your other kiddos need him, and don't need to spend a great deal of their day in a car.

Okay. Now keep in mind I am coming from a point of view where my children are getting older. I have home schooled for 9 years, and have questioned myself millions of time. The one thing I can not and do not question myself on is that I have gotten to spend most of my children's lives with them, I am eternally grateful for that. Their childhood is just a puff of wind, and then gone. Don't rush it.

Sorry if this is too forceful. I don't mean it to be. But I am passionate about children being with their families if it is possible.

And I really question that you can't match the religious curriculum at home. 3 year olds don't need a curriculum. They need their families to teach them about God.

So take it for what it's worth. And pray, and know that you will be your son's primary source of knowledge of God whether you keep him home or send him to school.


caelids said...

Wow! Thank you all for your heartfelt comments. One more thing--if you know of good homeschooling links or resources, pls blog about them or include the links on your blogs (my antennae will be up and I'll find it).

Right now little Tom's health issues are pretty high-maintenance and I need more flexibility than the Catholic preschool can offer. However, we do have a new community center nearby that offers preschool classes on a rolling, month-by-month basis. It's only two days a week for an hour, and will accomplish the dual goals of a little structure and some new social situations for Carl, without exhausting me and Tom.

PS Please pray for Tom, as he has not gained any weight in six months and is now below 1% percentile for his age. We are seeing a specialist on the 1st and hope he can recommend some tests. Thanks!

Máthair Chríonna said...

I just wanted to say that I agree with the others who say that your 3 year old really doesn't need a formal curriculum to learn colors or shapes or numbers or that Jesus loves him. I also agree that you are already his first and best teacher. He will love and benefit from time with you more than anything. I've homeschooled for 14 years and I don't regret a thing about it and I am certain that if God can equip me for it, he can equip anyone for it!

Here's one link for you. Catholic Charlotte Mason.

Pray much about this decision. I will say a prayer for you for discernment. Also praying for some weight gain and answers! blessings! ~knittermom

Anonymous said...

if i could go back in time - no preschool until 5; no kindergarten until 6
i have four great children ages 21-27;
just because moms tell you a program is great, doesn't mean it is
i spent some time straightening out problems created by preschool
also - they will be in school a long long time

Anonymous said...

Hi! I randomly found your website and am chiming in quite late here!!! Like by a year plus! But, anyway... if you're looking for a solid Catholic homeschool program when your child is ready for Kinder, go with Our Lady of Victory Homeschool. I think it is. They are in communion with Rome, but they adhere strictly to the old Latin Mass and pre-Vatican II texts. My boys are 4,3, and 10 months. My oldest will start their kinder program this fall. God bless.