Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A Little Apology...

I promised a series on wacky ways of saving money...with the next installment, concerning the high cost of housing, overdue by a week or more. This next post, while thoroughly mapped out in my notes, is likely to be delayed a little while longer, because:

1) It promises to be huge. That means a 3 am night for me, and so far I've been too tired.

2) It's a big deal to people and the most technical piece I've done so far. I don't want to screw it up.

3) Comment traffic has gone down...way down. It would be a shame to do all these lengthy posts and have no audience to give feedback. Then they would just get buried in the archives.

I'm also making changes to my template layout and adding more links. Check 'em out. Blog friends, please forgive me. I haven't had much time to give to just looking at and commenting on others' blogs. Lee CT and anonymous readers, thank you and keep checking back. It's people like you who make me feel like this is actually worth the effort!


Amy said...

Ah, you have the mortgage woes too, I see. We had a garage sale this weekeend in hopes of making up the difference, but it wasn't enough. God will provide!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog last week, and I'm really enjoying it. I hope you'll continue your "weird ways to save money" series!


Laura The Crazy Mama said...

OH, I haven't seen you in a while so that's probably why I haven't commented. Now I have you in my favorites again! I'll try to catch up by reading your older posts now!

caelids said...


I enjoy your page, when I get a chance to check it out. I always read down to the end.

Amy Caroline,

I was looking and looking for you--I know you changed your blog, I just didn't know TO WHAT.

And reading all this finance stuff has taken up enormous chunks of time.

Thanks for the boost
