Saturday, October 27, 2007


Here's a couple of articles on Marketwatch covering similar territory to this series:

Not so wacky ways to raise cash, especially short term: including raiding your Roth, taking loans against your 401(k), sending the kids to work and selling the new car to buy an older one.

A second look at the mutual fund industry: most moms-and-pops don't even bat an eye at the burgeoning scandal in this massive industry that sucks up our life savings year after year.

More on investing, Roth IRA's, 401(k)'s, and mutual funds will come later in my wacky little series...


Laura The Crazy Mama said...

If you want more traffic, consider joining the Catholic Mothers Online bloglist (the list on my sidebar). It's super easy and fast and I often check out new names from that little list! The site to join is

Athena Y said...

I appreciate your blog. Thanks. I need your help to get through to a troubled young man who uses the Bible to justify hate. Could you visit my blog and share your thoughts? Could you ask others to do the same? God Bless you. Robin

The Gospel According to a Misogynist

caelids said...


I'll let your comment stand here on my blog in an effort to help (and prayers included), but this is a debate that I do not believe I can participate in. You may try to convert some of these hate-speech guys but my gut tells me it's a losing battle.

This is the downside of the Internet: extreme perspectives now have more of a platform than ever. God help us.

Anonymous said...

Where does the hate guy go wrong, what he writes about the bible seems to be correct and in context.